It's a...and another...!
20 Weeks and 4 Days
Monday was the day we have been anxiously waiting for. We finally found out the sexes of our little buns in the oven. We are so happy to announce we are having A BOY, and ANOTHER BOY!

My final guess was a boy and a girl, hubster thought it would be two girls. We were both wrong! The boys are looking good, and everything is normal. They did not want their picture taking and at one point both turned towards my spine, so we couldn't see their faces! They were snuggled up against each other and it looked a little cramped in there if you ask me. I am feeling their little kicks everyday and it is so awesome, makes me smile every time. Finally knowing what we are expecting has inspired me to get to work on the nursery. I have been waiting for nesting mode to set it, and I think it is finally starting! I've been looking for inspiration on Pinterest for baby room ideas. First things first, I need to relocate my studio to the much smaller bedroom. This is not an easy task, because I have a LOT of stuff! So for the next week or so, I will be trying to organize and pack away items I won't need within the next year. Wish me luck!
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