I hope your days off are just as relaxing!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Well my days off did not go as planed! I spent 6 hours in the hospital Friday due to the fact that I was feeling some uncomfortable pressure off and on in my lower abdomen and lower back. It has been happening for a few days, and was becoming more frequent so I decided to call the doctor and see if it was normal. She asked me to come in and get it checked out to be on the safe side. They hooked me up to the monitors to check the babies heart rates and also to see if I was having contractions. The boys heartbeats were good, and it seemed like they were having a party inside they were moving around so much! They eventually took the heart rate monitors off so they could get a better read for contractions. Turns out after hours of monitoring, exam and a ultrasound, that they are not contractions I am feeling (nor are they Braxton Hicks contractions), but what they call Irritability. My insides are irritated at me and squeezing. So I was told to rest, drink lots and lots of fluids, and rest some more. I had big plans for crib shopping and nursery work, but that will have to be put on hold for now. Sometimes its nice to be forced to lay down and relax. It is really hard to do though! Michael and I went out to breakfast this morning, then made a quick pick up at a yard sale, a stop at the apple store, and then a pick up of some baby items at work. I WAS sitting 90% of the time, so that counts as resting to me! For the rest of the day, Cash and I spent it on the couch watching some oldies but goodies flicks. Besides this irritability it was still a good "weekend" for me. The irritability hasn't gone away yet, I am hoping it will be gone when I wake up tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
21 Weeks & 4 Days
My oh my is my belly getting big! It is gaining inches by the week! It is funny how all of the sudden I have a hard time getting up, or reaching for something. It feels like it happened over night. I am starting to feel the weight gain a little bit. At the end of the day I have some lower back pain, especially if I am walking around for a few hours. I went on a shopping trip the other night for a couple of hours and could barely walk by the time I got home. I also have some terrible charlie horses that get me up at night. I have never had cramps in my legs like these before. Especially when it is in both legs at the same time! Ahh! I have to get out of bed and walk around the room like Peg Leg Pete to get them to go away. The cramps are mostly in my shins, and there is no way to stretch the area! It creeps my hubby out a bit to hear me whimpering, and see my silhouette stumbling around the room in dark. Other than that, I feel great! I can't complain, I am having a great pregnancy so far. No crazy cravings yet. I mean, I always crave chocolate and cheese, and that hasn't changed since becoming pregnant. I am pretty sure my boys will love those two food items as much as I do!
I am so excited for fall. The house is filled with sweet pumpkin smells from Bath and Body works. I can't wait to go pumpkin picking and cider sipping with my hubby and front bump. Fall is my favorite time of year and I think I will enjoy it even more with my sweet little honey buns in the oven!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Doozer Does
Why the name Doozer Does you may ask? Doozer is a nickname my husband gave me when we first started dating. I was in college taking a crazy amount of credits, working 2 jobs, plus working on show and dance performances. It is just in my nature to be really busy and constantly active.
Today I am working full time, trying to prepare the house for our little men, and in rehearsals for a play opening at the end of September. Maybe I will slow down in the third trimester. Maybe :)